Scheduled Air Transportation
- International
- Domestic
- Regional
- Intercontinental
The History Behind Scheduled Air Transportation
When scheduled air transportation was first introduced, mail was among the first passengers to utilize this service. As time went on, commercial airline companies began to push for bigger, more efficient aircraft. This led to the introduction of flight scheduling using passengers and not just mail and cargo. Private or business jet charter services started popping up during this time as well. With the public looking for more air charter services, commercial airlines responding by adding regularly scheduled air transportation to highly visited areas.Private Jet Charter Schedules
In today’s world, jet charters are scheduled on an as-requested basis and don’t typically adhere to the rules of scheduled air transportation. By providing clients with flights as requested and luxury services and amenities, air charter businesses have a competitive edge against commercial airlines.Scheduled air transportation is the scheduled transport of cargo, property, and passengers by an airline company. The airline typically institutes regularly scheduled flights in and out of a commercial airport that run at consistent days and times. These schedules can also be applied to commercial airline companies or independent brokers that arrange either a personal or a business jet charter. However, this isn’t the norm.
Airlines differ in size from full-service international airlines to smaller domestic carriers. These services can be put into different categories, such as:
- International
- Domestic
- Regional
- Intercontinental
The History Behind Scheduled Air Transportation
When scheduled air transportation was first introduced, mail was among the first passengers to utilize this service. As time went on, commercial airline companies began to push for bigger, more efficient aircraft. This led to the introduction of flight scheduling using passengers and not just mail and cargo.
Private or business jet charter services started popping up during this time as well. With the public looking for more air charter services, commercial airlines responding by adding regularly scheduled air transportation to highly visited areas.
Private Jet Charter Schedules
In today’s world, jet charters are scheduled on an as-requested basis and don’t typically adhere to the rules of scheduled air transportation. By providing clients with flights as requested and luxury services and amenities, air charter businesses have a competitive edge against commercial airlines.